Tribute by Nora Roberts


by Nora Roberts

Sometimes those closest to us can do the most harm ...The granddaughter of world famous movie star Janet Hardy, Cilla McGowan has long accepted that her own talents lie elsewhere. She's persuaded her mother to sell her Little Farm, which was Hardy's retreat from the cut-throat world of Hollywood. Cilla is determined to restore the house to its former glory, in tribute to her grandmother. Janet Hardy was a screen legend - glamorous, brilliant and deeply troubled - and she died in mysterious circumstances at the farm. As Cilla settles in, she finds herself dreaming of the grandmother she never really knew and wondering exactly what happened to her. But someone else in the community wants Cilla to leave the past alone, and she becomes the target of several brutal acts. Together with her neighbour, Ford Sawyer, she must find out who is trying to threatening her and why ...

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

This was a mixed-bag for me. The romance part was great… Nora Roberts still knows what she’s doing there. I liked Cilla, and I liked Ford, and I really liked them together. But some parts of the book were lackluster. I didn’t particularly care for Cilla’s dream visits with her grandmother, and I thought the harassment could have been a little more creative. How many different ways can a “Katie” doll be defiled? But, though I did figure out who Janet was having an affair with pretty early in the story, the big bad guy was a big bad surprise.

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  • 14 April, 2009: Finished reading
  • 14 April, 2009: Reviewed