A Garden in Paris by Stephanie Grace Whitson

A Garden in Paris

by Stephanie Grace Whitson

A widow seeking to escape the past and restart her life travels to Paris, France, in search of herself.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Ugh! That's what I have to say. The entire book has a few questions that sit in the back of your mind and you expect them to be answered in the next page turn or the next chapter. The book then ends with absolutely nothing answered and the promise of a sequel. I'm not even sure that I want to read the sequel because I spent so much time wondering what would happen just to be left in the dark. VERY FRUSTRATING!

But basic synopsis... A newly widowed mother realizes that just because her spouse has gone does not mean her life is over. She decides to take a new enjoyment in life and goes back to all the old things she put aside for her marriage. It opens closed doors and brings in mystery. There is heartache and romance and a bit of new Christianity. But then the book ends and nothing is revealed. Answers are left blank to the millions of questions formed.


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  • Started reading
  • 1 November, 2007: Finished reading
  • 1 November, 2007: Reviewed