I Will Marry George Clooney (By Christmas) by Tracy Bloom

I Will Marry George Clooney (By Christmas)

by Tracy Bloom

A very funny Christmas novel, from the bestselling author of No-One Ever Has Sex on a Tuesday and Single Woman Seeks Revenge.

There comes a time in every woman’s life when the only answer is to marry George Clooney.

For Michelle, that time is now.

Slogging her guts out in a chicken factory, whilst single-handedly bringing up a teenager who hates her, is far from the life that 36-year-old Michelle had planned.

But marrying the most amazing man on the planet by Christmas could change all that, couldn’t it?

Sometimes your only option is to dream the impossible - because you never know where it might take you…

This is a fun, completely fantastical novel featuring George Clooney, and has not been authorised or endorsed by the wondrous man himself.

Reviewed by Leah on

2 of 5 stars

I liked the idea of this novel, more than the novel itself. At first, I was interested and really into it (although I still can't believe Michelle tried to get George Clooney to marry her, it's the single most ridiculous thing I've probably ever heard in my life) but I sort of lost interest pretty rapidly because Michelle irritated the life out of me.

Ugh. All she did was whinge and moan, and whinge and moan, and I just couldn't put up with it, and I ended up skim-reading the last half of the novel. There's making bad choices, and then there's just Michelle. The narrative drove me half insane, what is it about these anti-social heroines that people find so endearing? I just pitied Michelle most of the time, sadly (and not in a good way, I'm afraid).

With a title like I Will Marry George Clooney (By Christmas) it should have been a light and frothy read, but sadly it was anything but for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 22 September, 2014: Reviewed