Black Friday by Robert Muchamore

Black Friday (CHERUB)

by Robert Muchamore

Ryan is about to board a plane, knowing that the next twenty-four hours will change everything. His mission is to stop the biggest terrorist attack America's ever seen. Ryan works for CHERUB, a secret organisation with one key advantage: even a trained terrorist won't suspect that a teenager is spying on them. For official purposes, these children do not exist.

Reviewed by funstm on

5 of 5 stars

This was what I was expecting from the last two books. This is what Cherub was - because as much as I hate James and hate the attitude towards women and the violence bandied around - this was what I loved about Cherub - the adrenaline, the undercover work, the characters coming together and real action being undertaken. As per usual, Muchamore mars it with stupid drama between Kerry and James (I have never understood their relationship even at the very beginning) but it was less than it usually is and the rest of the book was amazing. I only wish Lauren had more plot, that Rat made an appearance and Kazalov! NOOOOOOOOO. Otherwise 4.5 stars, rounded to 5 for nostalgia.

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  • 19 October, 2017: Reviewed