The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler

The Summer of Chasing Mermaids

by Sarah Ockler

After a boating accident takes her voice, Elyse d'Abreau leaves her home in Tobago to stay in an Oregon seaside town, where Christian Kane, a notorious playboy, challenges her to express herself and to overcome her fear of the sea.

Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

I've had The Summer of Chasing Mermaids on my Kindle for a few months now - thanks to the lovely folks over at Simon Pulse & Edelweiss for allowing me to review, but it was only when I read Shannelle @ The Art of Escapism's review that I knew I HAD to read this book IMMEDIATELY. It sounded right up my alley, and I couldn't wait to read it! Shannelle's review was so enthusiastic, so delightful, that I went into the book with way high expectations, expectations that Sarah Ockler completely shattered. This is one of the best books I've ever read, period.

I had no clue that this book was about a girl who can no longer speak, or sing, or make any kind of noises. I was expecting actual mermaids, in fact. Instead, it's about a girl called Elyse, who has moved from her home of Tobago to Oregon for the summer after an awful tragedy that took away her ability to speak. She can't stand to be around her family any more, especially her still-speaking twin sister, Natalie, and a summer in Oregon is her escape.

This book just blew my mind. Everything about this book made me love it even more. I loved the fact Elyse couldn't speak; yes it was an absolute tragedy but it was something so unique to this book, something I will remember long after reading, because anyone else would have just given up. When your whole life is about being able to sing, and to then not be able to do that must be the most devastating thing in the world, but Elyse is so much stronger than that. Yes, she flees her home and refuses to speak to her family but the way she builds up a new life in Oregon is amazing. She very much had me from the start, I loved her.

Readers, I'm not going to lie, I adored BOTH of the Kane brothers. BOTH OF THEM. In fact, I wanted to steal Sebastian all for myself and let him be a mermaid ANY TIME HE WANTED. He was just so cute. His desire to see mermaids, the simple fact he accepted the fact Elyse couldn't speak as if that was entirely natural and his infectious enthusiasm made him the little brother anybody could wish for. And Christian, sigh. He was amazing. I was worried, at first, that he was a bit of a playboy, but he actually wasn't and he was actually so sweet. The sparks between him and Elyse were immense and amazing, and I loved how he just accepted her as she was, no judgement or anything. I loved the way he was happy to let Elyse talk (or write) and not rush her or anything, how he was just there, all that time, when it mattered. And seeing them renovate The Queen was super sweet, too.

Everything about this book was immense. The plot, the characters, the setting, the minor characters - seriously, there is SUCH a good cast of characters in this book. Vanessa, Lemon, Kirby, Noah, and of course the Kane brothers and Elyse. I have never wanted to move to a place more, to be part of a place more. The Summer of Chasing Mermaids was amazing, Sarah Ockler is a fantastic storyteller, make no mistake and she's written one of the most charming, delightful books I will ever have the pleasure of reading.

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  • 10 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2015: Reviewed