Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

Dark Places

by Gillian Flynn

Libby Day was just seven years old when her older brother massacred her family while she hid in a cupboard. Her evidence helped put him away. Ever since then she has been drifting, surviving for over twenty years on the proceeds of the 'Libby Day fund'. But now the money is running out and Libby is desperate. When she is offered $500 to do a guest appearance, she feels she has to accept. But this is no ordinary gathering. The Kill Club is a group of true-crime obsessives who share information on notorious murders, and they think her brother...Read more

Reviewed by noqas on

4 of 5 stars

This book is great, really well written. You just can't get enough of it. It just makes you want to know more and more of the history. I actually got all of Gillian Flynn's books and this one is stil number 1 for me.

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  • 20 November, 2015: Reviewed