The Salvation of Vengeance by Nancy Haviland

The Salvation of Vengeance (Wanted Men, #2)

by Nancy Haviland

Only something as important as her best friend’s wedding to mob boss Gabriel Moretti could allow Nika Paynne a reprieve from captivity. Her abusive husband has kept her under his thumb with footage of her beloved brother, Caleb, killing another man. But the respite from her violent life isn’t the only draw. Vincente Romani—Gabriel’s deadliest guardian—will be one of the best men at the wedding, and Nika has lingering thoughts about the fascinating mobster…covetous thoughts that may put her life in danger.

With the heartbreak he’s suffered and the brutality he effortlessly delivers, Vincente knows he’s the last person who can offer Nika a happily-ever-after. But his vow remains. He will do everything in his power to free his redhead from her violent prison—even if that means losing her forever.

In the second thrilling and passionate Wanted Men book, a dangerous line is drawn between loyalty to the mob and loyalty to one’s heart.

Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars




Nancy Haviland is a new author to me and I'm really glad that I gave this series a chance.  When I signed up to read this book, I knew it was book 2 and I already had book 1 on my TBR.  Luckily, I had time to read book 1 and I enjoyed it.  I have to say that I enjoyed this book more than the first and only because I think there was a lot of world building going on in that one and there was a lot going on.  Still- a very good book!  (You do not have to have read book 1 to read book 2... I'm just picky about that kind of thing and I had the time to read both books.)

I really, really enjoyed Vengeance.  Ms. Haviland does not skimp on the details and she fleshes out characters  very well. She also fills you in on the main characters in book one, Eva and Gabriel and I always appreciate when an author continues to develop previous characters arcs.

Vincente is one big bad dude.  For real. Nika is his one weakness and he really tries hard to resist her for as long as possible.  As fabulous as Vincente is,  Nika is my favorite character in this book.  She has been through so very much and has endured more than anyone should have to and she truly deserves someone that can provide her protection and tenderness.  While she is drawn to Vincente in times of need, she is no shrinking violet and she is not afraid to do kind of stupid and ill-advised things for those that she cares about.  She is an extremely courageous woman and I really liked her character.

I'm really looking forward to the rest of this series.  I can't say that I'm a huge fan of mafia romance but this one totally has my attention and devotion.



This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • 19 February, 2015: Reviewed