Not On the Label by Felicity Lawrence

Not On the Label

by Felicity Lawrence

A shocking and highly readable expose of the state of the food production industry in Britain today. Felicity Lawrence will take some of the most popular foods we eat at home to show how the food industry in Britain causes ill health, environmental damage, urban blight, starving smallholders in Africa and Asia, and illegal labourers smuggled and exploited in Britain.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

5 of 5 stars

This is a question I've often had. Why is it that there's so much of a choice in the supermarkets yet it's largely unappealing? I find myself buying some foods because of need rather than want and I could see how it would be so easy to fall into the trap of buying food that's bad for me rather than "good" food because the good food is so bland sometimes.

This is a book looking at ways we've destroyed the food market and ways in which we can change this. It's an interesting book full of advice on how to change your life and find better ways of finding your food.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 February, 2008: Finished reading
  • 7 February, 2008: Reviewed