The Kite Runner Graphic Novel by Khaled Hosseini

The Kite Runner Graphic Novel

by Khaled Hosseini

The perennial bestseller-now available as a sensational new graphic novel.

Since its publication in 2003, nearly 7 million readers have discovered The Kite Runner. Through Khaled Hosseini's brilliant writing, a previously unknown part of the world was brought to vivid life for readers. Now, in this beautifully illustrated graphic novel adaptation, Hosseini brings his compelling story to a new generation of readers.

Reviewed by Amber on

5 of 5 stars

I haven’t read The Kite Runner novel, so I don’t know how this graphic novel fares in comparison. I do have the novel on my bookshelf waiting to be read, and I can honestly say that after reading this fantastic graphic novel that I will be picking up the book by Khaled Hosseini.

I’ll start by saying that there wasn’t anything that I disliked about this graphic novel. I thought that the drawings were stunning, and they really pulled me into the story and made the characters come to life. I focused on each and every panel, and paid such attention to the little details that were in the story.

I was blown away by the powerful story, and I was left shocked at some parts. The story is truly heartbreaking, and yet full of hope. The graphic novel gives a good idea of how life in Afghanistan had changed over twenty years – something we don’t learn about at school here in the UK. After reading this, I am interested in finding out more about the Palestinian people and the problems that were/are happening in Afghanistan. I definitely think that a book like this would be a great read for a teenager who wanted to discover more about the subject.

The Kite Runner has also been made into a movie, so I’ll definitely be checking that out after reading the novel. I want to thank Bloomsbury for sending me this wonderful book, as it’s really opened my eyes and encouraged me to want to learn more about the issues at hand.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 September, 2011: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2011: Reviewed