Gangsta Rap by Benjamin Zephaniah

Gangsta Rap

by Benjamin Zephaniah

The story of three boys who aren't easy. Who don't fit in. Who know what they want. When Ray and his friends are permanently excluded from school, their headmaster gives them a final chance. Within weeks they form a rap group and within months they sign a record deal. As competition from a rival group intensifies the gangsta style gets mixed up with real gangster action. An accessible read with a hard-hitting plot which 'leaves the reader no choice but to be drawn in' - particularly reluctant boy readers. Perfect for exploring different kinds of speech, language and the poetry of rap.

Reviewed by Kelly on

I wanted to like it but just couldn't get into it. The trouble Ray has, it's his attitude. He's so abrasive towards both his family and authority and is rewarded for his efforts. I just. Can't.

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  • 7 December, 2017: Reviewed