A Fatal Chapter by Lorna Barrett

A Fatal Chapter (Booktown Mystery, #9)

by Lorna Barrett

Haunted by Pete Renquist's puzzling last words to her, Tricia Miles begins to consider who had a motive to kill her friend and president of the Stoneham Historical Society. Did Pete take his flirting too far, only to have a jealous husband teach him a lesson? Or did he discover something in the town's historical records that his killer wanted kept secret? Tricia is determined to get to the bottom of things before someone else becomes history.

Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

5 of 5 stars

A Fatal Chapter The latest in the Booktown series has Tricia helping out her sister at the Stoneham Chamber of Commerce while she waits for the insurance check to come through so she can begin to rebuild Haven't Got A Clue, her mystery bookstore.  After finding a friend dying in a park, Tricia sleuths her way through the small town to find the killer.
Along the way, Tricia and Angelica hunt for the person who has been stripping all the hanging baskets in town of all their flowers.
Enjoyable book, had a nice, easy pace and a great plot. I figured both plots out fairly early on, but the end was explosive and shocking.  A lot of loose ends were tied up in this book, not all of them happily.  
I was left with the feeling this could be the end of this series and I really hope not. I'd be pretty unhappy if this is how things are left.

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  • 24 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 June, 2015: Reviewed
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  • 24 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 June, 2015: Reviewed