Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on

4 of 5 stars

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We first met Simon in the first three books of the series, when he was only a teenager. Well, he's not a kid anymore--ask Helen, she'll tell you. I've been really looking forward to Simon's story (And Cian, and Amber's and now for the story of all the MacCoinnich kids, which I sincerely hope will happen!) and it didn't disappoint.

I warn you - this is not going to be a well written, deep and through review. I'm not sure if I can even call it a review. Mostly because I find I don't know exactly what to say about this book. It's a good read and I enjoyed it and recommend it and the entire series as a whole, but I don't have a lot to say about it still.

Simon has become a highlander to the bone; kilt, muscles and protectiveness honed to perfection. It was really weird trying to compare the kid he was and the man he is now, but it was fun.

Helen fits Simon. As always, the females in this series are headstrong, smart and brave, and Helen is no exception.

Together, they made a really cute couple, and I loved the ending for them both. I'm so happy for them 3 Their romance was well build and I found it easy to believe it.

For the first time, we get a book-centered villain. The first three books revolved around a single villain, but not this one. It makes me wonder whether each of the following books--and there are at least two others--will have a specif villain, or will we discover that everything connects?

I have to applaud Bybee for her fantastic, though a bit maddening, ending. I was completely shocked by it and it made me want to read the next book so badly it hurts.
Part of me wants to curse out loud for the pain she's putting me through. The other part thinks the ending was bloody brilliant. I am so going to enjoy the next book!

I have to wonder, seeing Simon and Helen and now Amber's situation whether this three-books of the series (4-6) will be the opposite from the first three. Instead of going to the past, we're going to go to the future? that'll be interesting.

So, this book is a four stars. Very fast and easy read, you'll find yourself turning the pages until suddenly there won't be anymore to read, and then you'll want to throw the book on a wall until you realize how bloody brilliant the ending is.

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  • 13 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 13 December, 2012: Reviewed