The Diabolic by S J Kincaid

The Diabolic (Diabolic, #1)

by S.J. Kincaid

'Epic and electrifying' Maximum Pop

A Diabolic is ruthless. A Diabolic is powerful. A Diabolic has a single task: Kill in order to protect the person you've been created for.

Nemesis is a Diabolic, a humanoid teenager created to protect a galactic senator's daughter, Sidonia. The two have grown up side by side, but are in no way sisters. Nemesis is expected to give her life for Sidonia, and she would do so gladly. She would also take as many lives as necessary to keep Sidonia safe.
When the power-mad Emperor learns Sidonia's father is participating in a rebellion, he summons Sidonia to the Galactic court. She is to serve as a hostage. Now, there is only one way for Nemesis to protect Sidonia. She must become her. Nemesis travels to the court disguised as Sidonia - a killing machine masquerading in a world of corrupt politicians and two-faced senators' children. It's a nest of vipers with threats on every side, but Nemesis must keep her true abilities a secret or risk everything.
As the Empire begins to fracture and rebellion looms closer, Nemesis learns there is something more to her than just deadly force. She finds a humanity inside her that is true and pure - more so than that of most humans she encounters. Amidst all the danger, action and intrigue, her humanity just might be the thing that saves her life - and the empire.

Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

5 of 5 stars

I reviewing this book as part of a tour put on by ARC around the world Tours. I had a read a a sample from barnes and nobles for this and i was drawn in my the whole concept of a diabolic and the way the author played this story out. My response after i finished late last night was "Wow that was a political, emotional roller coaster of awesomeness". You got a little bit of everything in this book dystopian setting, political intrigue, android humans and a taste of romance. Their a ton of plot twists that kept me guessing throughout the whole story i had to keep reading i had to know how it was all going to play out and did not play out how i expected.
I really would like for this to be a series i wrapped up in these characters and want to see what is in store for Nemesis down the road, how does she cope with all the murder and destruction that unfolds in this story? It a awesome must read sci fi i think my favorite of 2016

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 16 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2016: Reviewed