Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

5 of 5 stars

After reading Savage Queen and experiencing the cliffhanger, I was eagerly waiting for the ability to get my hands on Ruthless Noble and it did not disappoint. Jasper and Savvy's conclusion comes with some unexpected twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Savvy's world is unravelling right before her very own eyes and Jasper's temper is hanging on by a thread. Jasper always thought he needed to make Savvy bow down to him, but little did he know that he would be the one falling to his knees as he proves how ruthless he can be at claiming his savage queen for his own and helping her reclaim her life as her own.

Jasper stole my heart with his protection and possessiveness. Savvy proved why she has the nickname "savage queen". Jasper and Savvy together are ruthlessly savage and not to be messed with. I loved the typical banter between the characters that we have come to love in Alley Ciz's books. The Royals proved even more that it does not matter where you come from, that love and loyalty are the true definitions of their family.

I highly recommend The Royalty Crew books which must be read in order and I can not wait for more from the Royal world.

Rating ... 5 Maple Leafs
Genre/Trope ... High School Romance, Bully Romance, Enemies to Lovers
POV ... First-Person (Jasper and Savvy)

*advanced copy requested and honestly reviewed on behalf of Canadian Girl Book Blog*

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  • 7 July, 2021: Reviewed