Reviewed by violetpeanut on

3 of 5 stars

This was a fast-paced thriller with a little bit of a supernatural element. Ethan, Florida and Jake are all teens who are recipients of organs from Dylan Black, a CIA agent who was working to deactivate some bombs when he is killed in an accident. After receiving the organs, the teens start to catch glimpses of someone and eventually start hearing a voice - Dylan's voice. Dylan's organs have cellular memory (or Feedback) that allow them access to Dylan's memory and allow him to speak to them. Now, he needs their help to finish disarming the bombs before millions of people are affected.

The book really felt to me like it was two different but related books. The first half focused on each of the teens and their individual stories - how they deal with their illness, their feelings about receiving a donor organ, their families. The book is told from the alternating viewpoints of each of the three main characters and it's done well. They each have a unique voice even though they are living with similar circumstances.

The second half of the book reads more like a James Bond thriller. There's kidnapping, fighting, escape, an evil super-villain bent on world domination, and, of course, a thrilling attempt to save the world that comes down to the last second. None of these things are original. Some of these things are cliche. There were a lot of coincidences and things that seem to go right at just the right moment. But, isn't that always the way with a spy thriller? Despite a lack of originality, it was still entertaining and the added idea of feedback kept me interested until the end.

I don't know if this is a planned series but the ending is left open for a sequel. If there is one I would be interested in seeing where the series goes. I would recommend this to fans of thrillers that are looking for something with a little bit of a twist.

Note: I received a copy of this book for free from the author through FMB Blog Tours in exchange for my review. All opinions are 100% honest and my own.

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  • 19 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 December, 2012: Reviewed