Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski

Sword of Destiny (The Witcher, #0.75)

by Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt is a witcher, a man whose magic powers, enhanced by long training and a mysterious elixir, have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary murderer: his targets are the multifarious monsters and vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. He roams the country seeking assignments, but gradually comes to realise that while some of his quarry are unremittingly vile, vicious grotesques, others are the victims of sin, evil or simple naivety. In this collection of short stories, following the adventures of the hit collection THE LAST WISH, join Geralt as he battles monsters, demons and prejudices alike...

Reviewed by remo on

4 of 5 stars

Segunda entrega de relatos cortos de la saga de The Witcher, que comencé a leer tras disfrutar la primera temporada de la serie de Netflix. Se deja leer, aunque hay muchos monólogos muy engolados que no aportan. Las aventuras, sin embargo, no solo cuentan relatos emocionantes sino que ayudan a describir a los personajes. La serie ha bebido de estos dos tomos indistintamente; no sé qué harán en la segunda temporada, si mezclar aleatoriamente los relatos que quedan (el del mar y las sirenas desde luego quedaría muy bien en la TV) o si directamente saltarán a la saga de las novelas cue comienza tras estos dos tomos de historias cortas.
En general es una lectura de evasión estupenda.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 29 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 29 February, 2020: Reviewed