The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett by Chelsea Sedoti

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett

by Chelsea Sedoti

Hawthorn wasn't trying to insert herself into a missing person's investigation. Or maybe she was. But that's only because Lizzie Lovett's disappearance is the one fascinating mystery their sleepy town has ever had. Bad things don't happen to popular girls like Lizzie Lovett, and Hawthorn is convinced she'll turn up at any moment-which means the time for speculation is now.

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

1 of 5 stars

Oh boy, this one is going to be rough. Look, this is not some teen sleuth finding out what happened to Lizzie. This is all about Hawthorne being unstable, unlikeable, and full of herself. This is all about perpetuating the bullshit and stigma around mental health. This is another mediocre white girl thinking she’s a special snowflake and all the angst when the world won’t treat her like it. This is a 25 year old guy fucking high school kids. This is the worst mean girl ever written acting out because she’s jealous of fucking Hawthorn for no damn reason besides “Hawthorne is special”.

While there are some authentic moments, like wishing ill on people making fun of you, wanting to belong and being lonely, the non-perfect reality of losing your virginity, and small town life, it is buried until a mountain of harmful, painful, awful bullshit.

Let’s start with the title: what a crock of shit. Lizzie Lovett hasn’t spouted off ‘alternative facts’ to people. What the title referred to is actually other’s incorrect perception of her and social stigma against mental health issues.

Depressed people CAN have happy or content moments so Lizzie saying at one point that she’s happy IS NOT EVIDENCE SHE WASN’T SUFFERING.

I went search for articles about the bullshit that “happy” people don’t kill themselves and found this article from Jezebel. There’s an interesting quote:
“Appalachian State at least three — the disappearance in September of a freshman, Anna M. Smith, led to an 11-day search before she was found in the North Carolina woods, hanging from a tree.”

Hmmm, boy that sounds familiar? Just swap out the collage for a small town and that’s Lizzie. There’s lot of “but she had it all!” spouted and doesn’t get debunked. Hawthorn’s just confused, and then depressed. And her family doesn’t get her help or talk to her. They threatened her with a doctor and snap, Hawthorn got out of bed but she wasn’t better.

Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett perpetuals the social bullshit that comes along with mental health issues. Nothing is found out about Lizzie. She’s not in the story or part of it besides a Hawthorn’s obsession. She never gets inside Lizzie’s head and understands her or depression or suicide.

There’s no insight or consideration or thoughtfulness. There’s no exploring the grief of the people affected by a person dying by suicide. No hope or help. Just Hawthorn being Hawthorn, using her imagination as denial and escape and believing in it way too much. It honestly sounds like she has a disassociation disorder.

This is not some nerd geeking out about a fantasy or sci-fi world. She honestly thinks Lizzie turned into a werewolf and goes into a depressive state when finding out that’s not true. This is not about “oh, everyone grieves differently”. Hawthorne chokes herself with a scarf to “see how it’s like”, FFS.

If someone is grieving like this, they need help because it’s not healthy and needs at the very least a therapist to talk to.

Is this something kids and teens need to know, talk, and read about? Absolutely! But this is not this book. Please, for the love of all that is good and decent, do not put this book in the hands of someone who has mental health issues. And don’t praise it and support this bullshit either but the horse is already out of the gate on that one.

Next up, our leading lady Hawthorn:
•Typical mediocre white girl that’s pretty but doesn’t think she is
•Not Like Those Other Girls ™
•Quirky ™
•Malicious. Constantly wishes minor inconveniences on other people.
•Hates people that judge her but has a major in judging others
• Is targetted by others and lost friends because she reported a teacher/student romantic relationship
•She’s different & special, “just no one understands her” angst
•Thinks a boyfriend will fix everything
•Has no plans or ideas for the future. Spurns everyone asking and trying to help her as sheep that just don’t get it.

Hawthorn’s super out there theory? Lizzie turned into a werewolf. Seriously. Really Really.

FYI: Don't ever try to Google Shrek gifs.

She just wants someone to acknowledge and be open to the possibilities of magic though I don’t remember her using that term. But that’s what it boils down to, but has I stated earlier she uses it in unhealthy ways.

No one encourages her except Lizzie’s Boyfriend, her brother’s best friend, and hippies from her mother’s past that’s camping in the backyard. (This is important later, just wait.)

And apparently that kind of thinking makes her special and different and unique and should be a writer and she’ll go places! She won’t be stuck in a 9-5 job to pay the bills like everyone else, no siree bob. Those stupid sheep, just don’t get it. But this 17 year old white girl from a small white town has it all figured out. Even if she doesn’t know what she’s going to do after high school, it’ll work out just fine for Hawthorn the Special Snowflake.

Look, I’ve been a white girl in a small white town but I DO NOT identify with Hawthorne.

Did I wish bad things would happen to the people that made fun of me or joked around about things I was sensitive about? Yes. But when bad things enviably happened, like the popular girl breaking her arm, I wasn’t overcome with joy and thought she deserved what happened. That’s not karma, that’s just her being a cheerleader and landing horribly wrong once.

Did I anxiously want friends and a place to belong? Yes, but I didn’t alienate the one friend I had by treating her like shit, dominating the conversation making everything about me and daydreaming when she tried to speak. I sure as shit didn’t judge the dude she liked on assumptions and talk shit about him or try to break them up. Hawthorne should’ve been right there, getting to know the dude and making sure he treated her friend right.

Did I anxiously await the day to escape and never come back? Yes. But I HAD A FUCKING PLAN. You will not escape without a plan. Small towns live and breathe by families staying where the fuck they are. Like quick sand, panicking and screaming you don’t belong here make it fucking worse. You have to wait and plan until the time comes and strike out. Hawthorn is already working in a dead diner, I bet she keeps working there languishing until her parents kick her out to get her own crappy apartment.

If she really wants experiences, she could save up money and go traveling. But does she? No. Hawthorne doesn’t plan anything. She doesn’t follow through with anything like getting her fucking car fixed. Oh, did I mention she got an old used car because she wanted one with character and history? She turned down her parents offer and good advice to get a POS.

*SIGH* Anyways onto the plot…

There’s is Hawthorne being snoopy but she’s not a sleuth. There is no clues to follow or a mystery to unravel. It’s all about Hawthorne fucking over her one and only friend, her angst, and boys. And the feminine, traditionally ‘girly’ mean girl treating Hawthorne like shit because she’s jealous. (OF WHAT?!)

Oh and some hippies show up out of nowhere and camp in their backyard. Fun times!

Hawthorne hinks having a boyfriend will make her happy. She gets a sort-of one, loses her virginity, and she is admittedly happier than before with him by her side.

Her family and friend try to warn her off because the dude is 8 years older and used to date Lizzie. They surprisingly give up on talking about the subject quickly because Hawthorne has a temper-tantrum when they broach the subject. “At least she’s getting out of the house” WTF?

But wait! He’s a pathetic loser who’s not good enough for Hawthorne and finally she sees the light. Bam! Another dude who’s just been waiting in the wings for her is right there. HE believes her and thinks her way of thinking is cool. She promises to “search for magic but not invent it”. It ends with them walking and talking together and all is better.


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  • 24 January, 2017: Reviewed
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  • 24 January, 2017: Reviewed