Without Reserve: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Abigail Reynolds

Without Reserve: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

by Abigail Reynolds

What would have happened if Fitzwilliam Darcy faced a true rival for Elizabeth Bennet's affections? In a return to the world of Jane Austen, the plot of Pride & Prejudice takes a different turn when Elizabeth accepts the proposal of a childhood friend before she meets Darcy again. When their paths finally cross, Darcy must decide what he is willing to do to win the woman he loves. A heartwarming conclusion to this lively tale brings satisfaction to all of Austen's beloved characters. THE PEMBERLEY VARIATIONS by Abigail Reynolds is a series of novels exploring the roads not taken in Pride & Prejudice.

Reviewed by Raven on

3 of 5 stars

For all purposes, the rating I give this is proper. I did not find this a variation so much as a deviation. If you want the rating of the novel itself, add a star. If you are looking at this with a love of Pride and Prejudice and want a true rating, look at what I gave it. This book, and it's series, left me unsatisfied as I went into this hoping for a variation and left having read little more than a harlequin romance.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 July, 2011: Finished reading
  • 26 July, 2011: Reviewed