Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron

Cinderella Is Dead

by Kalynn Bayron

It's 200 years since Cinderella found her prince, but the fairytale is over.

Sophia knows the story though, off by heart. Because every girl has to recite it daily, from when she's tiny until the night she's sent to the royal ball for choosing. And every girl knows that she has only one chance. For the lives of those not chosen by a man at the ball ... are forfeit.

But Sophia doesn't want to be chosen - she's in love with her best friend, Erin, and hates the idea of being traded like cattle. And when Sophia's night at the ball goes horribly wrong, she must run for her life. Alone and terrified, she finds herself hiding in Cinderella's tomb. And there she meets someone who will show her that she has the power to remake her world ...

An electrifying twist on the classic fairytale that will inspire girls to break out of limiting stereotypes and follow their dreams!

Reviewed by Joni Reads on

5 of 5 stars

I cannot say enough amazing things about this book. I read it in a day and didn't want to put it down.

The characters, the world building, the imagination. Honestly, this is the best retelling I have ever read and I have a read A LOT of retellings.

If I had to critique one part of it I would say that it maybe ended a bit abruptly but that may be more due to the fact that I mainly read series so a stand alone fantasy novel is different.

Overall though, fantastic LGBT retelling of a classic tale. Perfection. Highly recommend to literally everyone.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 10 July, 2020: Reviewed