Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

We are five months after the Silent Children and Robyn has the unfortunate “pleasure” for the want of a better word, of having to deal with the most gruesome death I have had the pleasure of reading. It does not make for comfortable reading, shocking, shocking I tell you! But do the shocks end there? Nope, so don’t get comfortable!

They are all just grim, there are two scenes and my eyes were sweating. One of the final scenes in the book, my god I have not read anything so horrifying and heartbreaking at the same time.

Robyn is facing difficulties in this case, what is it with people with money! They think they can ignore the police and act outside the realms of the norm, the rudeness of some people! It really riled me – grr!! This is not an easy case for the team, not only with people being disruptive, but people interfering and we have no idea how everything fits together, this jigsaw is missing a piece.

Robyn is just a powerhouse of a woman, how she juggles everything and does not break down, not only with the case but Davies and Ross. I do love the softer side and how she checks in on her cat Schrödinger, reminds me of my little Jet. I now want a nanny cam to watch her when I am not here although I can imagine what she does!

About 70% of the way through I kind of guessed who the said killer was but I could not fathom for the life of me the reasoning! Definitely twinged with a lot of sadness, but it really does not, however, excuse what they did and when you realise why the book is called The Chosen One well it does make you simmer a little bit with anger. It was an interesting thread to how everyone was linked but the reasoning behind everything has such a sting in the tail. It’s hard to explain without giving anything away but jeez!!

But there is something more going on apart from the case in Robyn’s life and I swear to god if there is not a 6th book in my life, there will be a riot! It CAN NOT BE LEFT LIKE THIS!!!! The ending is not a final ending, there is no way that this can finish like this, there has to be more, can I demand more?! OMG!!! Not over it!

BUT if this is the end of the series, well it has ended on a bang! Another book which has been epic, another book where Carol has shocked me.

Each book has just got better and better and I do think this might just be the best and darkest book yet. Carol really has such an imagination and a dark twisty mind. I really do not know where she gets her stories from, they are just immense and have blown my small brain! The stories are ones where I could not solve them. They are nail-biting, intense, they will turn you on your head and the rug will be pulled out from under you. I have loved every second of the Robyn train and I am sad to see it end, my eyes are sweating, promise they are not tears!

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  • 7 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 7 July, 2020: Reviewed