Kaleidoscope Hearts by Claire Contreras

Kaleidoscope Hearts (Hearts, #1)

by Claire Contreras

He was my older brother's best friend. He was never supposed to be mine. I thought we would get it out of our system and move on. One of us did. One of us left. Now he's back, looking at me like he wants to devour me. And all those feelings I'd turned into anger are brewing into something else, something that terrifies me. He broke my heart last time. This time he'll obliterate it.

Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
The full review can be found on GenGen's Book Blog.

I have two friends that have been obsessing over Kaleidoscope Hearts since it came out. I will have you know that this is my very first time paying $3.99 for an e-book. I never buy e-books that are over $2.99 but I heard so much about this one that I gave in and bought it. Let me tell you it was the best decision ever and money well spent. I read this book last week and didn’t know what to write. This is always my problem. When I read a book I love, I never know what to say about it. I just feel like doing this:

But I can’t do that so I will have to search through my mess of feels and do my best to get you to buy this book!!!!! This book deals with loss, letting go and trying to find oneself. I was intrigued by the prologue, where we get a glimpse of Elle being heart broken. She had chosen Wyatt, an older guy and an artist, over her childhood love and the reader wants to know why from the beginning.

I believe Oliver can steal anyone’s heart. He definitely stole mine. Hell, he didn’t steal it. I basically handed it to him on a silver platter. He really is amazing. He will have you drooling and swooning and fanning yourself from the start. Elle and Oliver had an electrifying chemistry (this makes sense in the book world) between them and pent up sexual desires for one another. Not only that, but their romantic moments together… They are so perfect. You do not want to miss this.

I freaking love Mia, Elle’s best friend! She is a photographer and she needed a female for one of her shoots so she asks Elle, who agrees. Mia sets up Ella and Oliver, knowing they have undeniable chemistry and man, that was a hot photo shoot!! Victor, Elle’s brother, is another key character in this story. He is funny and very protective of his sister. I believe he brought light to this story, at times.

I loved my journey with this story. I had so much fun! The chapter before the epilogue is one of THE best endings I have ever read. It was beyond perfection. It was so magical and beautiful! I had tears in my eyes while reading that chapter. Please please please buy this book!

The author finally announced she is working on Mia’s and Jensen’s full story, which will be called Paper Hearts! Read all about it here and read the synopsis!

You can now read the prequel novella to Paper Hearts on Wattpad! It is called Torn Hearts and it is about Mia and Jensen. Check it out here!

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  • Started reading
  • 31 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2015: Reviewed