Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

2 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

This was, a conflicting read. It felt too sewn together and lacked some fluidity. The characters one minute they were in love the next they weren't sure, always questioning their feelings even after they'd come to grips with it.

The scenes were too short that they left me hanging. The emotions.. I didn't feel them. I wasn't engaged in the story. I couldn't empathise, sympathise or bring myself to care for the characters.

Not only that, to me, the entire story was given away in the first chapter. In the following chapters, the book lacked originality, and it was very predictable. With most books, there is some a reader can surmise what's about to happen just from the first chapter. But it's the author's job to make the novel unique, add suspense and unexpected twists and turns that will give the reader a reason to keep on with the book.

I just felt like I'd read this before but this wasn't a well done version of it.This book was reviewed by a member of the review staff at Cocktails and Books. The name of the reviewer can be found under the post categories.

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  • 17 May, 2015: Reviewed