Reviewed by clairelm on

4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting book, looking at the effect of infections on civilisation and our genetic background. Discussing a multitude of plagues, both epidemic and pandemic, throughout history the author gave some novel (at least to me) views on the effect of them including the effect on the Black Death on technological advances and that of diseases on religious belief through the ages. The author also looked at the effect of disease on armies, invasions and war.

I have to admit, I disagreed with some of the things in the book. Some of the author's views seemed a little too high and mighty for my taste. Also, the comments on Ebola in particular, although written in 2009 so before the current outbreak, were laughable as he seemed to feel there would be little chance of Ebolavirus becoming a serious threat.

Still a good read and definitely recommended if you are interested in the subject, although an open mind is needed as with so many of these 'pop science' books.

★★★★☆ 4 stars

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  • 24 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 January, 2015: Reviewed