Boiling Point by Tessa Bailey

Boiling Point (Crossing the Line, #3)

by Tessa Bailey

Austin Shaw gets what he wants and if he can't get something, he has a handy alter-ego that can. One for any occasion that may arise. Conning marks around the globe, however, has its drawbacks and Austin must now lay low in Chicago, working undercover for - horror, of horrors - the police department. The whole affair would be damnably inconvenient, if it weren't for delectable hacker, Polly Banks, the sarcastic beauty who has also been relegated to the undercover squad. Secretive Polly has her own big fish to fry in Chicago and zero patience for the irreverent con but she'll make time for his myriad alter-egos, night after steamy night. When Austin and Polly find themselves at cross-purposes, pursuing the same mark, they must make the choice to work together or go head-to-head in an all out battle of wits and lust.

Reviewed by leelu92 on

3 of 5 stars

Closer to 2.75ish

I've tried to write a review for this book several times and I've thrown them all out. I think because I really don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, I always enjoy Tessa Bailey to some extent. I can only think of one book that I really didn't get.

I liked Polly and Austin, they were interesting characters, as all of the characters in this series. But there was disconnect somewhere for me. I remember thinking "Wow- they're having sex again?"

I guess that there was more character development in previous books outside the bedroom. On the other hand, I understand the value of Austin's submission to Polly and that it may contribute to the development of the relationship as a whole.

*shrugs* See? wishy washy.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 9 January, 2016: Reviewed