Sophia of Silicon Valley by Anna Yen

Sophia of Silicon Valley

by Anna Yen

Sharp, dramatic, and full of insider dish, SOPHIA OF SILICON VALLEY is one woman's story of a career storming the corridors of geek power and living in the shadow of its outrageous cast of maestros.

During the heady years of the tech boom, incorrigibly frank Sophia Young lucks into a job that puts her directly in the path of Scott Kraft, the eccentric CEO of Treehouse, a studio whose animated films are transforming movies forever. Overnight, Sophia becomes an unlikely nerd whisperer. Whether her success is due to dumb luck, savage assertiveness, insightful finesse (learned by dealing with her irrational Chinese immigrant mother), or a combination of all three, in her rarified position she finds she can truly shine.

As Scott Kraft's right-hand woman, whip-smart Sophia is in the eye of the storm, sometimes floundering, sometimes nearly losing relationships and her health, but ultimately learning what it means to take charge of her own future the way the men around her do. But when engineer/inventor Andre Stark hires her to run his company's investor relations, Sophia discovers that the big paycheck and high-status career she's created for herself may not be worth living in the toxic environment of a boys-club gone bad.

Reviewed by bookperson on

3 of 5 stars

DNF at 58%

Good audiobook, but not realy my content.

Started reding this book based on recomendation of a blogger, thought this would be cute contemporary romance like "Wedding Date" or "Roomies", but it's a story about a youung woman Sophia, who works at a tech company and her life. Sophia was really interesting as a character and gives good representation as asian diabetic and workaholic, who lives with her protective parents, but still has her own strong voice. I think, actually, all characters were very realistic.
Also Sophia's boss - Josh? - basically Steve Jobs. I hated him from the first second.
Main complain about audiobook is time-jumps like 'one year later', 'we were dating for 3 years at this point' but in a previous sentence it was your first date?
I'm upset and I don't know in book or in myself.

I think it's not this book, it's me. (Third DNF this month ugh)

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  • 16 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 October, 2018: Reviewed