Gladden the Heart by Olivia Newport

Gladden the Heart (Amish Turns of Time, #5)

by Olivia Newport

"When you have experienced the Holy Ghost as I have, you would see that it is difficult to turn back."

When the lively fervor of nineteenth century revivalism endangers the staid customs of the Amish community in the lush but rugged Kishacoquillas Valley of central Pennsylvania in 1847, the Amish church must deal with a divisive question: What is a genuine spiritual experience?

The question turns personal when Susanna's beloved cousin Noah begins preaching while under trances and even though he is not a minister he gives long sermons that attract increasing attention. Curious, she helps...

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Reviewed by Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe) on

3 of 5 stars

This is the first book in this series that I have read and I hope that after going back and reading the others in this series, that I can enjoy this one more. That said, this was not a bad book. Ms. Newport chisels her characters well, and the backdrop of the story is vividly created. Susanna and Adam’s characters really tugged at my heart, but I just couldn’t get as deep into the story as I would have liked to have gotten. 

Something was missing. Or, perhaps, it was because I haven’t read the other books in this series and I just couldn’t fully grasp the entire setting. With that said, however, I still give this book 3.5 stars. Ms. Newport’s talent does shine through, and her characters do pull at your heart. I will be going back and reading the other books in this series then I will pick this one back up and try again. 

I do encourage you to give this book a try, if you’ve read Ms. Newports other books in the series. You may fall in love with these sweet characters quicker that I did and you may love the story line.

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  • 4 July, 2017: Reviewed