Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls Book 2: The New Girl by Meg Cabot

Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls Book 2: The New Girl (Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls, #2)

by Meg Cabot

Guided by her rules, nine-year-old Allie works to get past being just the new girl at school, eagerly awaits the arrival of her kitten, and faces turmoil when her grandmother visits while the family is still settling into their new home.

Reviewed by ammaarah on

3 of 5 stars

"If you say it enough times in your head, it will come true (sometimes)." (Allie Finkle)

Allie Finkle is a likable character and she has an extremely authentic voice. Many of her experiences in The New Girl, such as living in a new house, being a new girl at school, worrying about her future kitten and dealing with a school bully, are things that 4th graders can relate to.

Allie gets a lot of advice (good and bad) about how to deal with being bullied, but I liked the manner in which she dealt with the school bully. I also enjoyed any interaction that involved Grandma.

The New Girl is a fun and hilarious addition to the Allie Finkle Rules for Girls series.
"A lady never raises her fist to another!" (Grandma)

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Reading updates

  • 29 April, 2011: Started reading
  • 2 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2018: Reviewed
  • 2 August, 2018: Started reading
  • 8 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2018: Reviewed