The Genes of Isis by Justin Newland

The Genes of Isis

by Justin Newland

Akasha is a precocious young girl with dreams of motherhood. She lives in a fantastical world where most of the oceans circulate in the aquamarine sky waters. 

Before she was born, the Helios, a tribe of angels from the sun, came to Earth to deliver the Surge, the next step in the evolution of an embryonic human race. Instead they spawned a race of hybrids and infected humanity with a hybrid seed. 

Horque manifests on Earth with another tribe of angels, the Solarii, to rescue the genetic mix-up and release the Surge. 

Akasha embarks on a journey from maiden to mother and from apprentice to priestess then has a premonition that a great flood is imminent. All three races – humans, hybrids and Solarii – face extinction. 

With their world in crisis, Akasha and Horque meet, and a sublime love flashes between them. Is this a cause of hope for humanity and the Solarii? Or will the hybrids destroy them both? Will anyone survive the killing waters of the coming apocalypse?

Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

this is not the sort of book I would normally read…which is exactly why I went for it. I wanted to get out my comfort zone, and once I had peace and quiet in the house and could concentrate I am glad that I did. I am intrigued by the Egyptians as I will devour anything to do with Greek Mythology I wanted to see if it would be the same here.

Well I was not disappointed like I said I had to concentrate but once I got in the flow, I wanted to learn all I could about the divide between the hybrids, Solarii and humans and to learn more the astral plane that was being discussed

I absolutely loved that the chapter titles were all included in the body of the chapter, I kept looking out for it when reading and the chapters were all short and snappy so it was easy to speed through this book.

The vivid imagery used by the author, had me picturing the events perfectly. The dust storms, in the beginning, I felt I could actually be there experiencing it, trying to keep the dust off me!

With the multiple points of views in the different chapters gave the reading of this mythology a whole new reading experience, one I thoroughly enjoyed. I am sure that some historians would pick holes in the story, and I do not know how much of this is factual (ignoring some of the glaringly obvious bits) but I read this at face value and ignored the legends (and google!).

If you want to know if anyone survived the apocalypse then you need to open to page one and begin the adventure.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 25 August, 2018: Reviewed