Hidden Pieces by Paula Stokes

Hidden Pieces

by Paula Stokes

Embry Woods has secrets. Some are small, like the ones about her complicated past. Others are bigger, like her growing feelings for best friend s ex-boyfriend, Holden. But the biggest secret she carries is about what they did at the abandoned Sea Cliff Inn ... and the resulting terrible fire.

Reviewed by shannonmiz on

4 of 5 stars

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight


This was a fun mystery, if a little predictable. I will say that I did figure out who the anonymous note sender was fairly early on, but I was invested enough in the story to keep going to see if I was right! (I was, but still.) Embry and her terrible life choices pulled me in fairly quickly. Here's the thing: Embry isn't particularly likable, she's just... an average girl and I kind of liked that. She made a ton of mistakes but I always understood why her character would make such choices, and it was rather refreshing to see a flawed character portrayed in such a realistic way. 

And she was a good person, which helps. No matter her decisions, she wasn't bad. She was just a teen girl trying to navigate the messy world of high school, and boys, and friends. With a little accidental arson and a potential killer thrown in. Was it a little campy at times? Yeah, it was, but in a fun way. Love interest Holden was funny and sweet, and I loved reading as Embry wrestled with her feelings for him. Her relationship with her mother was also really well developed, which I loved. 

While I did figure out some the twists early on, the conclusion was quite satisfying while not being too tidy. Overall, a pretty solid book- and certainly entertaining! 

Bottom Line: Perhaps not wholly shocking, but I enjoyed the character development and the air of mystery regardless! 

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  • Started reading
  • 23 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 23 July, 2018: Reviewed