Dark Protector by Alexis Morgan

Dark Protector

by Alexis Morgan

Devlin Bane: Born a Paladin, he is a member of an ancient band of warriors locked in a centuries-old war against evil.

His destiny: To die over and over again to protect mankind from the Others, only to be revived each time by his mortal Handler.

But his fierce strength and courage cannot save him from gradually becoming one of the monsters he was born to destroy.

Dr. Laurel Young, who has spent years training to become a Handler, must remain detached from her patients. But each time she revives the darkly compelling Devlin Bane, he claims a little more of her soul and incites in her desires that grow wilder and wilder -- even as he inches closer to losing his humanity. As the war against the Others grows more desperate, Laurel and Devlin can't help but give in to the fierce hunger that's sizzled between them for so long. Now they'll face the ultimate battle together -- to save a dark, passionate love that goes against every rule as they join forces to fight an enemy who is closer than they ever imagined....

Reviewed by mitabird on

2 of 5 stars

2.5 stars

This book was pretty ho-hum. Paladins protect the world from the Others. Paladins die, but can be revived. However, there is no explanation on what exactly the Paladins and Others are. We know the Others are bad, but that's it. We don't know what makes them bad and it's very sketchy where they come from. What makes the Paladins tick? Are they born this way? Is there something in their DNA? What? It was very poor world building, in my opinion. None of the characters had any depth and I didn't really care who was trying to kill Devlin. There was a slight spark of interest near the end concerning the Others and I may read the next one because of it.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 September, 2009: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2009: Reviewed