Reviewed by Angie on

1 of 5 stars

Monet Love is a very short and very disappointing story about a women, Monet, who has no idea what she wants, or who she wants. She started out as a confident woman who just wanted sex, then turns into some spineless woman who runs away with a man she doesn't even like. This story spans a year or two, I don't even know, since the time jumps are not clear at all, and Monet seems to end up in the same place as she started. It's all very underdeveloped, even for a short story.

The Beginning ★★☆☆☆
I immediately didn't like Monet. There's a fine line between confident and cocky, and she crossed it. I like when female characters are happy with their appearance, but Monet just takes it a little too far. I also found the dialogue quite awkward, and some of the things Monet and Dwayne say to each other during their sexual encounters made me cringe.

Island Steam ★★☆☆☆
The story jumps to about 6 months later and Monet has moved to St. Thomas to get away from Dwayne and her other ex, Miguel. I would have liked to see more of Monet and Dwayne's relationship, rather than seeing their first hook up and the next page they've been broken up for 4 months. Also Monet seemed to get a personality transplant. She was in control in Part 1, and now she doesn't even consider saying no to Miguel despite not wanting to be with him? I don't think so. This part caused a lot of eye rolling, since it's all just unbelievable.

Resolution ★☆☆☆☆
Wow, that was a super rushed and unnecessary conflict. Monet continues to have no backbone, and there's another two time jumps. The first shows Monet wondering if she should be getting married to Miguel, whom she clearly doesn't even like, and of course running to Dwayne again. Then another jump to next Super Bowl where she's not friendly with Dwayne. What just happened? I have no idea.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 15 January, 2013: Reviewed