Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)

by Rachel Hawkins

In the wake of a love spell gone horribly wrong, Sophie Mercer, a sixteen-year-old witch, is shipped off to Hecate Hall, a boarding school for witches, shapeshifters and faeries. The traumas of mortal high school are nothing compared to the goings on at "Freak High." It's bad enough that she has to deal with a trio of mean girls led by the glamorous Elodie, but it's even worse when she begins to fall for Elodie's gorgeous boyfriend, Archer Cross, and frankly terrifying that the trio are an extremely powerful coven of dark witches. But when Sophie begins to learn the disturbing truth about her father, she is forced to face demons both metaphorical and real, and come to terms with her own growing power as a witch.

Reviewed by catiebug on

5 of 5 stars

While I love all kinds of mythical creatures, witches are definitely my favorite. I think the idea of the magic and just the history of them is so cool and interesting.

I love that Hawkins took the idea of a boarding school for mythical creatures and made it her own by having Hex Hall being about all kinds. She opened it up and created this world where all of them co-exist and it's so cool and interesting to see.

Sophie is one of those characters you immediately love. Her wit and sarcasm makes for very interesting narration because of the snaky humor. I wish I could have her as a best friend. I felt kind of bad for her because there was so much about her life that was hidden from her that she slowly begins to uncover.

The plot of Hex Hall is fast-paced, full of suspense, mystery, and some action. While it was a bit predictable at times, it didn't make it any less interesting because there were times where it wasn't and just the way everything had been revealed and come together was intriguing.

Hawkins' writing was simple and easy to follow along with which I love because a lot of books are just overwhelming with information and it is sometimes confusing and hard to follow.  From the very first page I got so caught up in the story and before I knew it, it was over and I found myself wanting more.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 October, 2011: Finished reading
  • 25 October, 2011: Reviewed