Light Is All Around Us by Wendy Pfeffer

Light Is All Around Us (Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science 2) (Let's-read-and-find-out science) (Let's Read and Find Out) (Lets-Read-and-Find-Out Science Stage 2)

by Wendy Pfeffer

An introduction to light and how it helps us to see profiles different kinds of light, including sunlight, firelight and electric light, and provides interactive experiments readers can perform at school or at home.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

One of the things that I have discovered since using the Memoria Press Curriculum, especially their book lists for Social Studies & Science Resources is the Let's Read and Find Out Science series. We have started quite a collection and my girls really enjoy these. While not yet reading them on their own, they truly enjoy pouring over the illustrations and ask me questions so that I know their little brains are turning vying for information and learning.

When I saw a new one in the series, part of a The World Around Us sub-series, I was delighted to get my hands on an advanced copy for review. We have truly enjoyed these introduction to science topics and I look forward to new titles in the next Memoria Press Curriculum list. Now finally, HarperCollins is releasing new titles in this series. I'm delighted to read Light is All Around Us, a stage 2 book to explore more challenging concepts for children in the primary grades.

I truly enjoyed this book on light and I think it makes a great addition to our shelf. It discusses natural light to man-made light and animal chemical light in between. From light measured in lumens to how our eyes and brains receive and perceive light this little book, in a simple manner, covers a lot of information. Then at the end are a couple of experiments to bring the information to life in example.


I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 March, 2014: Reviewed