Fatal Circle by Linda Robertson

Fatal Circle

by Linda Robertson

Destiny sucks. . . .

There was a time when Persephone Alcmedi thought her life was hard to manage, what with wondering how to make sure she took adequate care of both her grandmother and her foster daughter, Beverley, whether she'd end up in the unwanted position of high priestess of a coven, and whether her waerewolf lover, Johnny, would resist the groupies who hang around his band Lycanthropia.

But that was before the fairies started demanding that Seph's frightening, unpredictable ally-the ancient vampire Menessos- be destroyed . . . or the world will suffer....
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Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

Persephone Alcamedi reminds me a little of the Anita Blake books, except Persephone is a witch, and Anita is a vampire hunter, oh and then there is the fact that these books are filled with sex, while there may be some sex, it's not the basis of the books, how this book reminds me of those books, is because you have a pragmatic heroine, a alpha wolf, and a master vampire. They are all tied to each other in ways that are destiny worthy, and really quite predictable. But yet, it's still keeps you intrigue to know more. This series, unleashes a world that brings in the paranormal, mythology, and fantasy all in one, and yet doesn't make it completely confusing, or utterly unbelievable. Great plot, great characters, great writing, and a whole lot more.

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  • 12 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 12 July, 2013: Reviewed