Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

3 of 5 stars

Blood Bound is the first book in the Blood Ravagers series. Each book can be read on its own. I read book three a few months ago and at the point of me writing this review I am about to start book 2. Based on my experience with book 3; I picked up this installment hoping for an equally exciting read. However, it did not live up to the success of its successor. For me it was just an OK read.

What I Loved.
I loved the idea of a half demon/half human trying to create a place where others like himself feel safe. The sacrifices made to accomplish this was commendable. Few people would willing put their lives on the line the way Dante did. He endured torture and many atrocities to ensure that he achieves his goal.

I enjoyed exploring the world the author created. I loved the blending of aspects of paranormal with motorcycle gangs, which made for an interesting and intriguing read.

I found the story to be well written. I enjoyed the descriptive style of writing, which contributed greatly to maintaining my interest in the story. The story moved at a steady pace until about seventy percent (70%) into the book when things got heated. At this point, I eagerly turned the pages as my curiosity levels increased.

What I did not Love.
I could not establish a connection with the protagonists. Anna’s behavior annoyed me. She does not listen and because of this; she places herself and Dante in danger. Her character was underdeveloped, and I never had the chance to feel her effect on the story. Dante spent centuries feeling unworthy of being loved. This was due to his treatment from both humans and supernatural beings. I was hoping for more on this aspect of Dante’s life, unfortunately the author failed to explore this further. As a result, his character did not evoke any sympathy neither did I experience the joy and uncertainties to be expected when he discovered what Anna was his life mate.

The villain of the story lacked credibility. He is a full demon and sadistic in nature, but he did elicit any feelings of fear. I found his role to be boring and flat. It was evident that he was involved in illicit activities, but this thread needed to be better developed.
The romantic elements was not adequately explored. As is typical of this genre the attraction between the protagonists was instantaneous. The problem I had was that the focus was on the physical aspects of the relationship while the emotional aspect was completely ignored.

This story had the potential to be an exciting paranormal/MC romance, however it turned out to be an average story. The story was not bad, but the characters did nothing for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 August, 2017: Reviewed