Shamus Dust by Janet Roger

Shamus Dust

by Janet Roger

Two candles flaring at a Christmas crib. A nurse who steps inside a church to light them. A gunshot emptied in a man’s head in the creaking stillness before dawn, that the nurse says she didn’t hear. It’s 1947 in the snowbound, war-scarred City of London, where Pandora’s Box just got opened in the ruins, City Police has a vice killing on its hands, and a spooked councilor hires a shamus to help spare his blushes. Like the Buddha says, everything is connected. So it all can be explained. But that’s a little cryptic when you happen to be the shamus, and you’re standing over a corpse.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

SHAMUS DUST is a brilliant debut gritty noir murder mystery by Janet Roger. Released 28th Oct 2019, it's 376 pages and available in paperback and ebook formats.

This is a wonderfully well written homage and a gritty superbly plotted PI noir in its own right. The characterization is spot on and believable. This is a very well crafted and engaging mystery. As other reviewers have said, there are nods to Chandler, Cain, Hammett, and the rest of that crew, but honestly, the author's own unique voice is what kept me reading long into the night.

This is a superlative read and a classic PI novel. Bonus points for setting it in London and not the mean streets of LA or NYC.

Five stars. This is a really good one. I will be following this author enthusiastically.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 3 January, 2020: Reviewed