Reviewed by chymerra on

3 of 5 stars

When I started reading Letters from Angels, I was expecting a cut and dry book about four people thwarting the end of the world. I was looking forward to reading it. The blurb sparked my interest. But, having read the book, I can say that it wasn’t something that I would have read on my own.

The plot for Letters from Angels was interesting. A preacher and a Ufologist are brought together by a time-traveling couple to help them defeat the Antichrist. The only problem is that they need to find out how to defeat him and save the world.

The main characters were wonderfully written, and I enjoyed reading about their escapes. But I couldn’t connect with them. I didn’t feel that connection with any of the main characters. Which saddened me because I thought that they were well written and had interesting backstories.

The plotline was also well written. It did take some time to get going, but once it got up to speed, it didn’t stop. There were a few lags in the plotline, but the plot got back on track. I also liked how the foursome went about defeating the Antichrist.

The end of Letters from Angels was confusing. I ended up rereading the last few chapters because I wasn’t sure what was going on or what happened.

I would give Letters From Angels an Adult rating. There is sex. There is language. There is violence. I would recommend that no one under the age of 21 read this book.

I am on the fence if I would reread Letters From Angels. I am on the fence if I would recommend it to family and friends.

**I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book**

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  • 9 July, 2019: Finished reading
  • 9 July, 2019: Reviewed