Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

Gwenpool’s Lost in the Plot brings an end to this fabulous run. I’m certain I’m not the only fan sad to see it go. Personally, I’m sincerely hoping it’s going to be one of the series that gets rebooted with the great reboot that Marvel is doing. Even if that doesn’t pan out, I hope we continue to see Christopher Hastings writing plots for Marvel, as he’s proven to be a really fun and dynamic writer.
Out of all of the Marvel series I’ve read in the last few years, I’ve got to say that Gwenpool has absolutely been one of my favorites, if not THE favorite series for me. Not only did I devour it issue by issue (and then promptly buy each volume as it came out, because I have issues okay?) but I was able to talk so many friends into reading this series (who then greedily devoured it issue by issue, funny how that works out). I’ve never been able to get a series to catch fire among my friends like this, so I think this is very telling about the quality of this series. So if you’re sitting there debating about giving Gwenpool a try, let me say this to you: stop debating. Go out, buy the series (or read most of it on Marvel Unlimited or someplace else, I’m not picky), and read it. It’s worth it.

I should warn you; this volume is going to give you all of the feels. Gwenpool is not one of those series that just ends mid plot. Christopher Hastings absolutely planned this ending, and he wanted you to feel it when it went. And man did he succeed.
Gwen has always been a quirky girl; we never had any time to doubt that one fact about her. I guess it’s really no surprise that when she sets her sights high, she doesn’t bother trying to settle; go big or go home, right? In this case that means taking on one of the biggest villains of all time in order to get the Avengers attention, which obviously can only go so well…
I’m still boggled by the ending of this series, to be honest. Reading it issue by issue gave me the opportunity to see them building up to the conclusion for months. This was both beautiful and highly depressing.
I know many people look at the Gwenpool series and think it’s this silly little riff on Deadpool, but they couldn’t be more wrong. The conclusion to the series really solidifies that point. Gwenpool was aware that her series was ending – let me repeat that – Gwenpool was aware that her series was going to end. She had to face multiple moral choices and dilemmas at this point, and it all made her a bigger character for her efforts. For example, instead of being concerned about what was going to happen to her (okay, she was a bit worried about that), she was worried about what was going to the side characters of her story. You know the ones that wouldn’t get to make cameos in other series, and thus survive? Yeah. It gets shockingly heavy.
The conclusion brings that heavy point o a head, and then lets it all seep out; leaving us with a bitter sweet moment. I have to say that while I really didn’t want to see Gwenpool go, if she had to do it…this was the way to go.

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