Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Far Too Tempting is a fast paced, witty contemporary love story. At twenty-eight, Jane Black has written her first hit album, Crushed after her husband walked out on her. She was in so much pain she didn’t know what else to do and that pain became a hit. She has been a struggling Indie rock singer-songwriter for years and now her band is famous. Her husband, Aidan married her and seven years later, left.

Matthew Harrington is a music critic and wrote a glowing review on Crushed in Beat magazine. He can make or break a musician and he’s also a very eligible bachelor in New York City. Matthew is sexy, funny and has a wonderful British accent. He is a smart, ethical reporter and he wants to interview Jane, but she is nervous because she doesn’t trust reporters.

Jane is struggling with her newfound success. She is trying to figure out how to deal with it and where to find inspiration for her next album. She is also trying to figure out how to move forward after her heartbreak. She would like to fall in love again, but she is afraid of having her heart broken. She has always found Matthew attractive, but doesn’t have the confidence to think he would be interested in her. Jane’s family, friends and eight year old son, Ethan keep her feet planted on the ground. They don’t allow her to let her celebrity status go to her head.

Lauren Blakely has written an engaging story about heartbreak, moving on and the music industry. Is it possible to have all your dreams come true?

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 12 October, 2013: Reviewed