Nobody But You by Jill Shalvis

Nobody But You (Cedar Ridge, #3)

by Jill Shalvis

Fans of Jill Mansell, Debbie Macomber, Nora Roberts and Marie Force will fall head over heels for the Cedar Ridge series from New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis, featuring her trademark gift for humour, warmth and romance.

What the best way to heal a broken heart?

Finally free of her cheating ex-husband, Sophie's escaped with his most precious possession - his boat - and not much else. It's the perfect revenge...if only she wasn't quite so seasick all the time.

What she really needs is a free place to moor so she can start getting on with her life,...

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Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars


Famous last words…

Nobody But You gave me the warm and fuzzies...eventually…with a little heartburn, nausea and fire in the hole first. Do you know one thing that makes me smirk the most in romance novels? When both the hero and heroine start up a relationship stating that they aren’t looking for love, don’t want love or the dreaded - don’t fall for me…I’m bad news. Do you know why it makes me smirk? Because I know these suckers will be eating their words. You can’t help who you fall in love with. Well, you could…but why would you? Love is brilliant and wonderful, shiny and happy, snugly and sexy, warm and supportive. Look, I know it’s not ALWAYS that way, but even in the bad times love is, or it should be, something you can always count on. Don’t run from love, but be careful who you give it to.

I started Nobody But You knowing I’d like it. I mean I’m a dedicated Jill Shalvis fan and have been for yonky donks, so I know I’ll like whatever she puts out. I wasn’t convinced I’d love it though. The teaser I’d read months ago didn’t really pull me in. Plus I knew Jacob already. Well, I knew one side of the story. So, I thought I’d be getting a broken man, with his heart closed off and he’d be a completely selfish jerk. I also met Sophie in the teaser and I thought she was a little silly and a lot vulnerable and needy. Once I got into the story, there was a lot more to these characters. Both Jacob and Sophie had lived through a lot. Jacob is in the army and lost his best mate in a roadside bombing. He also cut himself off from his family including his twin brother. Sophie had lived with a depressed father who stopped being a dad to her. Looking for someone to love her she marries a ratbag, cheating butthead, Lucas. Jacob and Sophie are at the stage in their lives where they realise they need to reassess and change course to find happiness in their lives.

I got to know Jacob and Sophie and I was on board for these two to hurry up and get happy. Of course, these things take time. There were waves to ride, feeling to maneuver around and trust to be earned. We get to see their whole journey from when they first meet, to them setting up boundaries, to them realising the boundaries fencing isn’t always impenetrable.

Sophie is a little vulnerable in the beginning, but as time goes on you see her strength and courage come through. Words from her ex no longer had the same effect. Yes, Lucas still knew the right buttons to push to put her over the edge, but her recovery got quicker and quicker and she started to believe in herself instead of the insults. Her lack of direction was replaced with a confidence in seeing the happiness when she did her job well. Sophie was like a butterfly and her cocoon had been the boat she tied herself to and it kept her happiness from bursting free.

Jacob’s journey was a little different. His burdens are family orientated. He felt like he lost his family when he ran away from them to join the army. When his best mate died he realised that he needed to make amends with his family and returns home to Cedar Ridge. Instead of warning them, he sneaks in hoping to work up his courage before facing the firing squad. In some ways, it was easy for him to come home and fit in, but when it came to his twin, it would take more than a sorry to fix things.

I really enjoyed Nobody But You and visiting with the Kincaid’s again. Jacob, Hudson, Kenna, Aidan and Gray love each other. Sometimes they needed reminding, but deep down they know they always have a support team if they ever need it. Carrie, Jacob and Hudson’s mum, is an absolute sweetheart. Whenever she is involved, you know you’ll probably be laughing. Seeing the boys struggle with her memory problems and dementia is a little heartbreaking but also heartwarming. While she hasn’t always been the best mum in a traditional sense, she always loved her boys and they knew it.

I love the Cedar Ridge series. Jacob and Sophie’s story wasn’t smooth sailing but I knew from the beginning that I wanted things to work for them. I needed Sophie to bring Jacob out of his emotional shell. I also needed Jacob to show Sophie that he would always make it safe for Sophie to spread her wings. Luckily, Jill Shalvis has a magic wand and created me a story that had all my wishes granted. I can’t wait for more and hopefully, Jill Shalvis heard my other wish that Kenna and Mitch’s story is up next.

I received a complimentary ARC of Nobody But You via Netgalley for an honest review.

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • 19 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 19 March, 2016: Reviewed