The Secret, Book & Scone Society by Ellery Adams

The Secret, Book & Scone Society (Secret, Book and Scone Society, #1)

by Ellery Adams

From New York Times bestselling author Ellery Adams comes the first in an intriguing new series set within a quirky small-town club where the key to happiness, friendship—or solving a murder—can all be found within the pages of the right book . . .
Miracle Springs, North Carolina, is a place of healing. Strangers flock here hoping the natural hot springs, five-star cuisine, and renowned spa can cure their ills. If none of that works, they often find their way to Miracle Books, where, over a fresh-baked “comfort” scone from the Gingerbread House bakery, they exchange their stories with owner Nora Pennington in return for a carefully chosen book. That’s Nora’s special talent—prescribing the perfect novel to ease a person’s deepest pain and lighten their heaviest burden.
When a visiting businessman reaches out to Nora for guidance, she knows exactly which novels will help. But before he can keep their appointment at Miracle Books, he’s found dead on the train tracks.
Stunned, Nora forms the Secret, Book, and Scone Society, a group of damaged souls yearning to gain trust and earn redemption by helping others. To join the society, members must divulge their darkest secret—the terrible truth that brought each of them to Miracle Springs in the first place.
Determined to uncover the truth behind the businessman’s demise, the women meet in Nora’s cramped and cozy bookstore to share stories and trade support. And as they untangle a web of corruption, they also discover their own courage, purpose, and a sisterhood that will carry them through every challenge—proving it’s never too late to turn the page and start over . . .

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


I enjoyed this one quite a bit. It was a bit more serious or darker than most cozy mysteries that I usually read. I think I wouldn't even classify this as a "cozy" mystery but more a just regular type mystery with a slightly cozy touch. In any case, I will say that one of my favorite things about this book was all the book and author mentions and the quotes. It was a bibliophile's dream and made for an excellent reading experience. Not to mention all the yummy sounding scones. I was a bit disappointed that the author didn't include any recipes. I think that would have been a nice bonus and would have made the book that much better.

I found it to be well written and paced. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. The mystery kept me guessing until the end. I loved the interactions between the four women. I enjoyed learning their secrets and seeing their friendship grow. I loved the small town setting. The Gingerbread House and the personal scones. The bookstore and Nora's bibliotherapy. The caboose cottage. The book had a bit of a magical realism feel to it that I loved.

My only issue I did have with this one was I just didn't connect with Nora. I am not sure why because Nora is the central character, but I just found her lacking in emotions or personality. She came off a bit flat and if I am honest, a bit cold and standoffish. And perhaps that is precisely how she was meant to be written, but as I said, it left me feeling detached from her character. On top of that when we finally get to her secret at the end it had the unfortunate effect of disconnecting me further when I had just started to warm up to her. I think it wouldn't have bothered me as much if it hadn't included other people. But of course, these are characters not meant to be perfect. All four have flaws and are living with the repercussions of their actions so although her secret bothered me it may not bother others as much.

Overall though like I said above I did enjoy this one quite a bit and I look forward to heading back to Miracle Springs, North Carolina and seeing what these ladies will be getting up to next. There also seems to be some potential romances in the air, and I hope the author plans on building on those storylines as well. This gets a solid two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • 27 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 October, 2017: Reviewed