Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


This is a pretty good cover. Fantastic representation of the hero. Great use of graphics. Good composition. Nice title work.

I enjoyed this one a lot. It would have been a 5-Star read for me if not for one little issue that I will address later. Like I said in my review for the previous book this author has a very engaging writing style and this book was no different. I was sucked in from page one. It was also well paced and the plot interesting. There was no OW/OM drama. Very little angst. Smokin' sex scenes. An amazing cast of secondary characters. In fact, I think the secondary characters are what made this book so fantastic. I ADORED the comradery between the guys, and I LOVED Sage's grandma. As for the main characters, well let us start with Lukas who in my opinion was pretty much the perfect hero. He was sexy as f@ck. He was alpha. He was damaged. He was vulnerable. He was a little goofy. He never gave up on Sage when honestly I felt he should have dropped kick her ass right out of his life.

Which brings me to why this lost a star for me, Sage. I could not stand her. I am not a big fan of heroine's that can't "do" love or commitment because OMG their parents had a bad relationship. Seriously? What are you five? And I REALLY do not like a person that continues to push/pull another person when you know they have genuine feelings for you. Either grow a pair and end things or get over your ridiculous parent issues and take a chance. It's just straight up mean and hurtful to lead someone on as Sage did to Lukas. Now she does get somewhat more likable in the second half of the book, but unfortunately I just never warmed up to her totally and was ultimately left feeling that Lukas deserved a better heroine.

Overall though this was an enjoyable and fast paced read and I look forward to seeing what this author has up next for us. Two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • 4 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 4 July, 2017: Reviewed