The Enemy by Charlie Higson

The Enemy (The Enemy)

by Charlie Higson

They'll chase you. They'll rip you open. They'll feed on you...When the sickness came, every parent, policeman, politician - every adult - fell ill. The lucky ones died. The others are crazed, confused and hungry. Only children under fourteen remain, and they're fighting to survive. Now there are rumours of a safe place to hide. And so a gang of children begin their quest across London, where all through the city - down alleyways, in deserted houses, underground - the grown-ups lie in wait. But can they make it there - alive?

Reviewed by Nicole Lynn on

3 of 5 stars

2.5 stars.

Finally finished this one! It took a while and it was rough getting through it, but it had it's entertaining parts. Did start connecting with some of the characters by the end.

Review to come!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 20 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2016: Reviewed