Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Gina for my copy of this book and for letting me organise this tour. I loved the first two books so when I saw that Gina was releasing a third I immediately offered to review. This book is based on Norse mythology. As I said in the reviews for the previous books I am not all up on Norse Mythology. It extends as far as the Thor films but Gina has provided a very useful glossary at the end. 

It has been a few years since I read this series so remembering everything that happened took a little while. This affected the beginning of the book for me. If I had, had the time I would have re-read the first two books so that I had a fresh memory. If you can do this I would recommend it but if you can't it only took me a few chapters to unlock my memories.

We open right in the action with Kaelia fighting a demon. Unfortunately for Kaelia this has become the norm. Ever since Kaelia discovered she is The Chosen one she has been fighting a whole host of evil creatures from Dybbuk demons to The Salloki. 

As well as fighting evil Kaelia spends a lot of time fighting herself, her heart, her feelings. It's always been Kaelia and Bay they grew up together and it's rare for one to be without the other but, Bay is Vallesm and Kaelia is The Chosen One. When they created The Chosen One another being was created, Bran. The Dark One. Two Sides of the same coin, one light, one dark. Kaelia is fighting the way she feels for Bran. She can't love him, he's The Dark One. But when they unite and use their powers together there is no other feeling. No one can make her feel like Bran does. But can she trust him? 

Gina had me completely torn in this book. Who should Kaelia be with? I can understand the reasons she shouldn't be with Bay but it was so heartbreaking. Then there is Bran. He's the evil one, the one we are all against, right? But, why then did I not hate the scenes when they were together? Why did I actually want them to work together (for good, not evil obviously)? 

The ending was a bit of a cliffhanger. I am very intrigued to find out what is going on. I have an inkling but for now I'm going to keep it to myself. This latest instalment of the series will rip your heart into pieces and make you doubt which way Kaelia should turn. 

Gina's writing was as addictive as ever.  I barely put this book down, only to eat and sleep and even that was a struggle. The pace was spot on. Gina eased you back in at the beginning and then had you racing through the pages during the action and before you know it you have 10% left and you don't want it to end. 

If you haven't read this series I would highly recommend it. I cannot wait for the next book. 

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  • 31 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2018: Reviewed