Palace of Eternity by Bob Shaw

Palace of Eternity (Gateway Essentials)

by Bob Shaw

Shrouded by its shell of drifting lunar fragments, the planet Mnemosyne is a refuge for creative artists and poets, a place isolated from the desperate, losing struggle of the humans against the Syccans.

But then COMsac, theFederation's High Command, come to Mnemosyne, and suddenly the planet is more a military colony than a place for artists.

For Mack Taverner, the dilemma is stark: either go along with the brutal military visitation or join the hopeless resitance and become a 'traitor'. His choice has awesome and extraordinary consequenses . . .

Reviewed by ayla_abbott on

4 of 5 stars

That was great! At no point did I predict what was coming next.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 June, 2024: Finished reading
  • 9 June, 2024: Reviewed