Storm of Shadows by Christina Dodd

Storm of Shadows (Chosen Ones, #2)

by Christina Dodd

Brilliant Rosamund Hill has lived her life buried in academia, discounting the legend of the Chosen as a myth?then Aaron Eagle shows up at her door. With the promise of a love that will defy fate itself, Rosamund is forced to confront the truth about the Chosen?and the dangerous man who sweeps her into a world of dark secrets.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

great story Christina Dodd never seems to fail when producing a get your attention, and keep you on the edge of your story. with this being the second book in this series you get more involved with all the characters involved. you also get more of the back story and the story yet to happen. I loved all the twists and turns this story gives you. I also love how the lead female in this particular story is not super model gorgeous but a frumpy librarian. loved it!!!!!

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  • Started reading
  • 18 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 March, 2013: Reviewed