Cactus Hotel by Brenda Z Guiberson

Cactus Hotel (Owlet Book)

by Brenda Z Guiberson

Describes the life cycle of the giant saguaro cactus, with an emphasis on its role as a home for other desert dwellers.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Seeing the original publication date of 1991 (I was in first grade), I'm surprised I didn't experience this in my elementary school years. Quite honestly this is a great factual book on the desert habitat or specifically the Saguaro Cactus life cycle. This is another excellent choice on the Memoria Press Kindergarten reading list for literature, paired with [b:Deserts|3940279|Deserts|Gail Gibbons||422808] by [a:Gail Gibbons|21633|Gail Gibbons|]. We of course also paired it with the Magic School Bus episode on the desert habitat which expanded our conversation in the animal life. What a way to bring this habitat to life. Both of my girls enjoyed the experience in this one, the preK2 and the K4 year old.

The illustrations are gorgeous and the writing throughout is just enough and the topic is made very interesting and grasp-able. It is a delight.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 June, 2014: Reviewed