Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Art of Hybrid Timber Framing is the second edition of a definitive resource for hybrid timber framed homes written by Bert Sarkkinen. Originally published in 2018, this second edition is due out 19th January 2021 and will be available in hardcover format.

There are a plethora of books on planning renovations (or building from the ground up), making lists, finding contractors, and generally (hopefully) making the process as painless and stress-free as possible. Due to the significant sums of time, money, and effort involved, people are well advised to gather as much information as possible beforehand.

This book provides insight into timber framing and design. The book has a logical and accessible layout - the preface and introduction familiarize the reader with the author's background in the building industry and more specifically, how to use the book to best advantage. Mr. Sarkkinen uses plain (understandable) language to explain concepts without being overly technical or confusing.

The first section of the book (after the intro) covers the basics: what hybrid timber framing is, why/where to choose it, design considerations, processes for best results, and ugly money situations (and how to avoid them). The second section is full of gorgeous designs in a gamut of styles from small and cozy to some (literally, in my case) jaw-dropping imposing and impressive styles. It's full of beautiful pictures and line drawings throughout. The third section progresses to choosing a builder, money (always a consideration), technical decisions, some safety/design stuff, and some impressive case studies. The addition of a glossary helped me avoid confusion where some terms weren't entirely clear from context.

There's a lot of good material here. This would be a superlative resource for readers considering a new build or an overhaul on an existing structure. It would also make a nice selection for library or technical/trade school acquisition. Five stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 January, 2021: Finished reading
  • 6 January, 2021: Reviewed