Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

My review and an extended sample of the audiobook are posted at

Dr. Nolan Manners is a lion and has been caring for the victims of the Mastermind. Most of these victims has not only physical issues from the experiments, but also a lot of psychological trauma from the torture they endured. Most of the patients see all doctors the same and don’t realize that he is just trying to help them and that they have to keep them confined for their own good while they get better. This becomes all too apparent when the patients escape.

Clarice is a falcon and a member of Avian Soaring Security (ASS). Yes, FUC and ASS are working together to try to get this mutated patients back before they expose all shifters to the humans. Clarice was an orphan and never had a family and joined ASS at a young age, so they are the closest thing to a family she’s ever had. She is a little cold-hearted because she hasn’t had much love growing up.

Dr. Manners on the other hand grew up in a overbearing pride of lions with an even more overbearing mother. As the only male, he is quite spoiled. The pride cleans his apartment, delivers food and pretty much spoils him. He is also very cranky if he doesn’t get his naps, lazy cat.

This is another fun addition to the series. It has it’s laugh out loud moments. The interaction between Clarice and Nolan’s mom are great. Not to mention at one point when Nolan’s hair is sheared off, silly lions and their manes. This is a fun story of opposites attract.

Abby Craden did another great job with the narration. I’ve come to depend on her for outstanding narration. I’ve even started picking up other series with her as the narrator. She is great with both male and female voices.

I like to thank Audible Studios for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 6 November, 2015: Reviewed