Reviewed by mitabird on

3 of 5 stars

Dark Elves 5: Discovery was not as good as the others in this series. The race is dying out and the rhaeja decides to have a human bard, Kinig, live with them to write their story, so to speak. While living there, he falls in love with a man named Fallil. (I really enjoyed reading this part of the book and I wished there was more of it). However, they both know that he must leave to fulfill his dream of being a traveling bard and to spread the tales of the Dark Elves. The hope is that the telling will encourage human women to seek them out. Along the way, he encounters an evil sorcerer elf and a red female elf that has a similar sexual allure as the dark elves. Most of the story is about Kinig and the red elf, Nialdlye. I liked the story, but I was disappointed that this was the main focus. I understand that this was a crucial part of the plot, but wanted to read about the Dark Elves; that's why I love this series so much. There were a few unanswered questions that I hope will be resolved in the next book. 3.5 stars

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  • Started reading
  • 11 February, 2009: Finished reading
  • 11 February, 2009: Reviewed